Review: Take That – This Life On Tour at Stadium MK
Review Take That Tour 2024
Take That coming back to Milton Keynes last night (30/05/24) was surely the event of the year for the city.
It’s been a much hyped and long awaited return for our favourite 90’s boyband and much has changed, but, wow, they did not disappoint at Stadium MK!
A little digression first though as there were some stadium disappointments. Bringing in hundreds of staff to supervise and organise is all well and good, but it was an absolute failure in parts.  Many banned items were brought into the stadium, security checks were lax to say the least, road closures disorganised and seating allocations and direction appalling. A staff member noted that all the stadium had to do was issue them with maps and guidance as they were the ones taking the flak for disgruntled visitors. My plus one ended up directing people to their seats more effectively ! Better preparation is much needed for such huge scale events, much better preparation.
So back to the subject in hand:  Introducing ……. ✨Take That – This Life, TheTour ,2024 
More than ably supported by the delectable Olly Murs, we enjoyed a 45 minute set from him even as fans were still pouring into the stadium.  Olly lived up to his reputation for an athletic performance, playing to the crowd brilliantly and celebrating his personal and professional delights adorably.  He delivered a heart wrenching tribute to Caroline Flack with Dear Darling and I got something in my eye.  🥹
Geeing the crowd up with his own cover of a Take That tune we loved the cheeky chap even more. Cheers Olly!
Eager for the main act, the crowd were treated to a selection of cheesy infomercial type films featuring  Gary Barlow, Howard Donald and Mark Owen themselves.  Goofy fun made for the premise of part of the show that soon followed.
But how do you show off the extraordinary career of this band? How could you possibly include everything everyone wanted in this new show? With over 32 years of TT, 45 million record sales and 12 number ones to date, can the boyband grow up with dignity and devotion to their fans?
Oh. Yes.
Perfect production went into this, a lesser fan may describe it as confusing, but cut the stark analysis and enjoy the TT experience, and what an experience it was.
The boys, will we ever call them anything but, opened up the show with numbers from their new album This Life and spinning staircases and trapdoors introduced the cool but crazy staging.  Those staircases featured well throughout with lighting, imagery, comedy spoof choreography if you will, and flames. Yes, burning steps and dance routines really relit the fire.
The pre show tv clips came to life as the stage became a retro TV set and with a live audience, TT gave us a retrospective potted history of the rise and fall, then the rise again of Take That. This was a classic way to weave in a massive selection of songs from the past, telling their stories and allowing each band member to shine. There was a nod to former bandmates Jason Orange and Robbie Williams which was a nice touch. Good old fashioned cheesy fun bought laughs and love from everyone, the outfits were something else.
Styling was sublime, dazzling costumes, crowns and futuristic capery, the numerous attire was incredible. Add to that the effects – waterfalls, pyrotechnics, videography not to mention the cascades of confetti and ticker tape raining down on an adoring audience – and you have the true live pop parade.
This show differs from those previous with less gala and extravagance but spectacular nonetheless. It shows maturity and growth but is thoughtful and well put together. Gone are the days of the rain soaked raunch and we have a refined sophisticated evolution. That said, the poptastic disco joy still bursts forth brilliantly. The audience joined in with the 90’s songs with loud voice and enthusiasm, the crowd was a sea of song and dance.
I loved the inclusion and warm relationship of band members and crew, this camaraderie just oozes affection and respect.
This Life the live show feels more personal with Gary, Mark and Howard going into the crowd to greet stunned fans. Hugs and handclaps were clamoured for, to get a high five from Mr Barlow, well ! This certainly made the day, if not life, of those lucky folk. Who says it’s crazy to camp overnight to get the best pitch ……
Take That brought us melodrama, moodiness, ballads and ballsy performance. They brought romance and reminiscing, drama and disco.
They absolutely brought their beautiful and outstanding music, showmanship and reciprocated appreciation to MK.
Take That they said, and we did. 💙
Set List [Source:] *
  • Keep Your Head Up
  • Windows
  • Giants
  • Days I Hate Myself
  • Sure
  • Shine
  • A Million Love Songs
  • I Found Heaven
  • Pray
  • Forever Love
  • Clementine
  • Speak Without Words
  • Patience
  • The Flood
  • Get Ready For It
  • March of the Hopeful
  • The Champion
  • This Life
  • Greatest Day
  • These Days
  • Time and Time Again
  • Relight My Fire
  • One More Word
  • Hold Up a Light
  • Back for Good
  • You and Me
  • Never Forget
  • Rule the World
* playlist is subject to change

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