Join the Arches Theatre for the delightful musical comedy Nunsense with Vestry Productions. This riotous show tells the story of the Little Sisters of Hoboken as they stage a fundraiser to raise money to bury sisters accidentally poisoned by their convent cook, Sister Julia (Child of God). Full of laughter and charm, Nunsense promises a heavenly and wholesome theatrical experience.
Additional Information
– Gates Open: One hour before each show.
– Location: Performance takes place on the hardstanding by the arches.
– What to Bring: Don’t forget to bring your own chair and a picnic to enjoy at our outdoor theatre.
– Weather Policy: The show will proceed regardless of the weather. Refunds are only issued if a performance is cancelled. The decision to cancel a performance due to weather conditions is at the discretion of the theatre.
Details were correct at time of publishing, please always check with the event host to ensure there have been no changes or cancellations. is not responsible for the content on any external links within this page.