Review: Disney’s Aladdin The Musical at Milton Keynes Theatre
Disney's Aladdin Review

Disney’s Aladdin: The Musical

“A most magical masterpiece, you ain’t ever seen a show like this! “

Aladdin, we all know this tale of old and we know it’s going to be magic, but just how magical is Disney’s Aladdin the musical?
Off. The. Scale. You ain’t ever seen a show like this!.. as you’ll find out in our review…

A storybook delight, productions and films galore, a fancy dress favourite… yet nothing can prepare you for the overwhelming wonder, the opulent splendour and the extraordinary extravaganza that explodes onto the stage.

A buzz of excitement has been humming amongst theatre lovers recently and last night’s show delivered the goods and then some.

A vibrant exuberance of enchantment and glitz with uber dazzling costumes, scenery and characters, the visual and auditory treats are endless.

We are introduced to Agrabah in true fairytale narrative, welcome to a whole new world of adventure and wonder, filled with hopes, dreams, riches and happy ever afters.
The show kicks off in glorious technicolour, a fabulous feast for the eyes, colours rain down and instantly you are immersed into this wondrous landscape.
Set amongst sparkle, pazazz and total shimmering brightness, we meet our cast en masse, a busy set but oh so slick, perfectly choreographed and quite simply joyous.

Welcome Aladdin (Gavin Adams), the diamond in the rough, streetwise and cutely cocky, his buddies and best friends Babkak (Nelson Bettencourt), Omar (Adam Taylor) and Kassim (Nay-Nay), Princess Jasmine (Desmonda Cathabel), smart and sassy yet beautifully soft and gentle. Boo hiss to Jafar (Adam Strong), deliciously dastardly as the grand vizier to the Sultan (Jo Servi) and his nitwit comedy sidekick Iago (Angelo Paragoso). With dreams of happiness of different variations, they merge into scenes of an excellently woven tale.

Disneys Aladdin May 24

Full of upbeat frivolity and fun, with a grand serving of cheeky camaraderie, the energetic showcase is a never ending delight.

Undeniably, the star attraction is the genie-us Yeukayi Ushe in the role of the Genie. A total showstopper who almost defies description. He’s bold, brilliant and boisterous. He’s wonderfully witty and warm. He absolutely radiates glitter, glam and resplendent shazam. An iconic role but Yeukayi fills the babouche boots like no other.  Wisecracks and belly laughs are in abundance, never could such a huge personality be so phenomenally perfect.

I want to tell you ABSOLUTELY everything I saw last night, share with you the dazzlious sights and sounds but honestly, it’s a show that needs to be seen without spoilers. I loved every glorious moment even being moved to tears – happy tears – just living the magic alongside a fully packed theatre. Disney’s Aladdin the musical is everything you could wish for. Pure escapism to the full, captivating and playful, ever sparkling and glittering, in all, splendidly superb.

You’ll have guessed there’d be a magic carpet but I’m giving nothing away. Sights such as this need to be seen to be believed so book your tickets today!

Comedy, pantomime and true Disney alchemy is bonded perfectly with high standard and hilarious performances from all, the swing and ensemble layering the show perfectly with dazzling dance, gymnastics and boundless energy. The sets are breathtaking with a crack team for lighting and special effects, a spectacular live orchestra, the design, orchestral, technical and creative teams deserve a standing ovation of their own. Music and Lyrics by Alan Menken, Howard Ashman and Tim Rice absolutely floor you. There may be a lil medley where you’ll find yourselves in giddy delight ….

Literally everyone involved in this production is a true artist and expert at their craft. Mastery exudes from every angle of the show and the list of credits is endless but I raise my glass of Genie-tini to them all.

To use the words of my plus one, ” …disappearing into the spectacle of the production, I returned to my inner child full of wonder and belief”

I adored this show with a capital A. Ticking every box for a musical, Aladdin does the trick in the most enjoyable and enchanting fashion.
Now, off to get the glitter pot and sequins out, oh, and to book tickets to go again quick smart.



Disney’s Aladdin  The Musical is at Milton Keynes Theatre 24th April-19th May 2024.  Matinee performance is on 20th, and the running time is 2 hours and 30 minutes including interval. Tickets are available from £20.00 (+ £3.80 transaction fee), General bookings: 0844 871 7615, Access bookings:0333 009 5399, Group bookings:0207 206 1174 or online.

Matinee Performances: 27th April, 28th April, 1st May, 4th May, 5th May, 8th May, 11th May, 12th May
Captioned Performance: 10th May
Audio Described Performance: 8th May (evening)


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